
Let’s make a difference, together!

Evelyn’s Treehouse is a registered and valid 501(c)(3) charitable organization in accordance with the IRS standards and regulations. Your generous donation is tax-exempt to the extent allowed by law. Your gift may also be eligible for a company match with your employer.

All of your donation goes towards supporting the families we help on a daily basis. You can give through our Amazon Charity List, becoming a one-time or monthly donor through our giving box, or by mailing a check to:

Evelyn’s Treehouse - 15761 Parkers Ford Ct, Haymarket, VA 20169

Your donation helps a family choose to continue their pregnancy. Your donation helps a care-giver know she is not alone in her selfless work. Your donation allows families struggling to make ends meet find available resources in their state to care for the medically complex child. To put it simply, your donation is what makes our work possible.